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Steve Procter

Hand-Picked Matches

Personal intros to a private investor network

  1. Add your startup to the pool

  2. Invite your investor contacts

  3. Get seen by the entire investor pool

(revenue-generating/seed stage • invite only)

The Pool

A central repository for all fundraising startups

  1. Add your startup to the pool

  2. Invite your investor contacts to the pool

  3. Get seen by the entire investor pool

(all startups welcome)

28 years of startup experience and connections

Now giving back to the next generation of founders and investors

As a startup entrepreneur since 1996, I have founded and grown two multi-million pound businesses from zero and advised other founders on navigating startup life.Through l2o Ventures, I now seek out great fundraising startups and founders and provide investors in my growing private network with pre-filtered opportunities, hand-picked to match their criteria.

Steve Procter

Seed-Stage Investors • Pre-filtered intros, hand-picked to fit your criteria

Seed-Stage Investors...
Pre-filtered intros, hand-picked to fit your criteria

See startups that suit you and only connect with founders when you're ready

I use my 28 years of founder experience to identify and pre-filter the best seed-stage startups and founders. I interview those who look promising and take on any who stand out. You will see just those that match your criteria. Request an intro or pass.My free startup-matching service is for angels, HNWs, family offices, funds and others interested in seed-stage UK-based tech startups. You remain in control, with founders unable to see your details or who you are unless you request an intro.

Hand-picked startup selection, just for you

l2o Ventures
  • Selective Startup Filtering: I regularly sift through dozens of startups, engaging directly with founders to ensure only the most promising are selected. This process is based on a founder call and review of their deck, experience, story, and strategic plan

  • Customized Weekly Matches: See Venture CardsTM outlining regular new opportunities that meet your criteria. Through my platform, follow a startup's traction updates, ask questions, offer feedback and request founder intros at your convenience

  • Personalized Founder Engagement: My engagement with founders ensures a good understanding of their backgrounds and plans, allowing me to facilitate matches that align with the interests and values of each investor

  • Experienced Human Matching: Receive manually curated startup matches, backed by my own 28 years of experience as a startup entrepreneur, and that are tailored to your investment profile without relying on automated algorithms or AI

How founder-investor intros should be done

l2o Ventures
  • At-a-Glance Startup Details: For each startup, receive a detailed Venture CardTM that includes essential information such as pitch decks, founder videos, current traction and latest news, ensuring you have all the relevant data to decide on requesting an intro

  • Direct Support and Flexible Opportunities: Work closely with me for personalized matches and support throughout your journey. Explore startups and pass as you wish - you are in control. Invest at your own pace directly with founders outside the platform

  • Quality and Quiet: My focus on high-quality, relevant matches means you won't be overwhelmed by volume. Enjoy the convenience of accessing startup information and updates without pressure from founders until you are ready

  • Zero Cost, High Value: Gain access to a personally curated selection of startups with no fees. See warm and targetted opportunities, allowing you to consider investing and supporting the ventures that resonate with you the most

Criteria for supported startups

Supporting UK-based tech startups and founders only · must have early revenues and traction · SEIS or EIS · upto £2.5m raiseFocus B2B · B2B2C · Saas · AI · software · digital · service led, looking to productise · sector agnostic · anyTech (except below)Excluding pre-revenue · B2C · real estate · hardware · coins · crypto · gaming · biotech · medtech · life sciences · anything non-tech

Seed-Stage Investors Apply now

There are no setup, ongoing or success fees for investors (my model is to charge a 5% success fee to founders, after investment)

Next Step: I will email details within 48 hours. If we haven't already spoken, I will reply with a link to schedule a short discovery call prior to onboarding.

Terms: See investor self-certification below and the investor terms here.Privacy: I never reveal investor details to founders until the investor is ready for an intro. If you request an introduction to a startup founder, I will email you both and provide each with the other's details and email address. I will not sell, rent or divulge details without your permission. See privacy policy.

Investor Self-Certification

I declare that I am an investor, as defined by at least one of the three options below...

Option 1: I am a UK resident and a Sophisticated Investor
I declare that I am a self-certified sophisticated investor for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act (Financial Promotion) Order 2005. I understand that this means:1. I can receive financial promotions that may not have been approved by a person authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority;2. The content of such financial promotions may not conform to rules issued by the Financial Conduct Authority;3. By confirming this statement I may lose significant rights;4. I may have no right to complain to either of the Financial Conduct Authority or the Financial Ombudsman Scheme; and5. I may have no right to seek compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.I am a self-certified sophisticated investor because at least one of the following applies:a. I worked in a professional capacity in the private equity sector, or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises, in the last two years;b. I have been the director of a company with an annual turnover of at least £1 million, in the last two years;c. I have made two or more investments in an unlisted company, in the last two years; ord. I have been a member of a network or syndicate of business angels for more than six months, and am still a member.

Option 2: I am a UK resident and a High Net Worth Investor
I declare that I am a self-certified high net worth individual for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act (Financial Promotion) Order 2005. I understand that this means:1. I can receive financial promotions that may not have been approved by a person authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority;2. The content of such financial promotions may not conform to rules issued by the Financial Conduct Authority;3. By confirming this statement I may lose significant rights;4. I may have no right to complain to either of the Financial Conduct Authority or the Financial Ombudsman Scheme; and5. I may have no right to seek compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.I am a self-certified high net worth individual because at least one of the following applies:a. I had, during the last financial year immediately preceding the date today, an annual income to the value of £100,000 or more. Annual income for these purposes does not include money withdrawn from my pension savings (except where the withdrawals are used directly for income in retirement); orb. I held, throughout the financial year immediately preceding the date today, net assets to the value of £250,000 or more. Net assets for these purposes do not include:    i. the property which is my primary residence or any money raised through a loan secured on that property; or    ii. any rights of mine under a qualifying contract of insurance within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001; or    iii. any benefits (in the form of pensions or otherwise) which are payable on the termination of my service or on my death or retirement and to which I am (or my dependants are), or may be, entitled.

Option 3: I am a Non-UK Investor
I am accessing this communication from outside of the United Kingdom. I declare that:1. I am not prevented from receiving financial promotions in accordance with any applicable local laws and regulations (including but not limited to securities laws), even if the contents of such financial promotions have not been approved by an authorised person;2. I am aware that it is my responsibility to seek appropriate and specific professional advice in connection with this communication, and that nothing contained in this communication constitutes or should be construed to constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice; and3. I am aware that the information contained in this communication does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful.

Seed-Stage Founders • Warm investor intros

Seed-Stage Founders...
Warm investor intros

Get seen by the right investors

I support a limited number of hand-picked founders at seed-stage, carefully matching you with relevant investors on my growing startup-matching platform and through other extensive connections.I receive dozens of decks each week and filter just a few of the best founders for a Zoom discovery call so we can chat through your plans and see if there is a mutual fit. I only take on those that stand out. Submit your details below.

No initial/ongoing fees 5% success fee on investments via my intros

Personalised investor connections

l2o Ventures
  • Growing Network of Investors: My startup-matching platform has 350 investors (and growing), all looking for promising startups and founders that stand out and with early revenue/market-fit

  • Daily Investor Contact: I regularly communicate with my network via calls, emails and WhatsApp. I get to understand their criteria and introduce them to my hand-picked selection of startups

  • Personalised Matches: I send each investor details of startups I believe are relevant to them. I never bulk-send startup details, helping to free up investor inboxes of cold opportunities

  • From One Founder To Another: I give back to help great founders with great ideas and great opportunities but who lack the right investor connections

Supporting great startups & founders

l2o Ventures
  • Get Started Today: If you're struggling to find the right investor connections and want support with investor intros, submit your startup details below for me to review

  • Discovery Call: If I believe I can help, we can arrange a call over Zoom for me to learn more about you and your startup and to answer any questions you may have

  • A Selective Process: I aim to find the best opportunities for investors to review. I am therefore unable to work with all startups. Our free discovery call will help us both see if there is a mutual fit

  • Ongoing Investor Outreach: If we go ahead, I will show your details to investors in my network. I will show them traction updates and facilitate intros when they are ready

Criteria Your startup must fit to be eligible

Criteria Your startup must fit...

Supporting UK-based tech startups and founders only · must have early revenues and traction · SEIS or EIS · upto £2.5m raiseFocus B2B · B2B2C · Saas · AI · software · digital · service led, looking to productise · sector agnostic · anyTech (except below)Excluding pre-revenue · B2C · real estate · hardware · coins · crypto · gaming · biotech · medtech · life sciences · anything non-tech

Seed-Stage Founders Submit your startup details

These questions help me understand your business and evaluate if I can assist with hand-picked investor intros

Note: If your pitch deck file is too large or will not send, please email it to me separately.Next Step: I will respond within 48 hours. I am unable to work with all startups, but if I believe I can help, I will send a link to schedule a free Zoom discovery call so we can chat through your plans and see if there is a mutual fit. If we go ahead after the call, I will email a short agreement to sign and request further info. I am unable to respond if the startup is not revenue generating and UK-based.

Privacy: Your information is strictly for my eyes only at this stage, except where I may send an anonymised version of Your pitch to a few trusted investors (who are already signed up with me and I have previously spoken with) in order to sound them out. I will not sell, rent or divulge other details without your permission, except in my communications with investors as part of the matching and introduction service if you sign up for this later. See privacy policy.

Ecosystem • Connecting founders to great partners

Cut out the pain of finding trusted providers

Below are the amazing people I recommend to founders. Reach out directly and mention my name. Email me if you are a founder and can recommend a potential partner you've worked with (I do not accept direct requests from partners).I am continually building relationships with other partners, so check back here regularly to see my latest additions. And please ask if there are other gaps where you need recommended suppliers and partners - I will see what I can do.

Everybody here champions early-stage UK startups and founders. I would work with any of them!

founder coaching & guide on how angels think

  • Phil McSweeney, author of AngelThink: The world needs more exceptional entrepreneurs, and Phil's mission is to support any founder that commits to become one. He coaches for fundraising, personal growth and helps founders scale. Phil nurtures long-term relationships, the longest being 11 years. You cannot be exceptional unless you invest in yourself. To support founders to fundraise he has captured the insights of angels in a highly-acclaimed book: AngelThink: The founder's guide to how business angels think and how to raise money from them. It gives you the competitive advantage of knowing how angels think - something that most founders have little clue about. Get the book at Amazon

pitch deck creation

  • Serkan Ferah at Pitch.Space: One of the best automated pitch deck builders I've seen. Serkan offers fabulous support, and the service is very affordable, even for pre-revenue bootstrappers. If you are wondering whether to redo your deck and give it a bit more polish to impress investors, then I recommend this platform.

financial forecasting and modelling

  • Joe Hartman: Joe at Gray Consultancy specialises in the design and build of financial forecast models for pre-seed, seed and series A companies. linkedin profile

  • Ivan Hoo: Ivan is a seasoned Financial Advisor specialising in startup fundraising. He has successfully guided over 60 startups through the complexities of investment preparation, pitch presentations, and negotiations, helping secure over £30 million from top VCs and high-net-worth individuals. His experience spans working with startups like The Ethical Butcher, GreatLab and ONDA, attracting investments from notable entities such as Founders Factory and IQ Capital. Ivan's expertise extends to creating over 100 comprehensive financial models. He is dedicated to empowering founders by demystifying business metrics, and ensuring they communicate effectively with investors. linkedin profile

manage startup legal paperwork

  • Sam Simpson at Founder Catalyst: Offers a great platform to help with your data room, SEIS, ASA and other startup legal requirements. I believe the level of personalised service and better pricing model has created a fantastic alternative to other providers, especially for cost-conscious pre-seed and seed founders. They also now have a great product to help you with rolling raises - something I know Sam will be happy to chat about with you.

due diligence on potential investors+founders

  • Cindy van Niekerk at Umazi: An amazing new platform that helps to streamline due diligence efforts (in the UK and globally). Whilst their website focuses on companies/businesses, they can also do DD on individuals, including potential investors. Contact Cindy to discuss the best options.

investor relations management

  • Josh Ockenden at OpenRound: an Investor relations CRM to help founders streamline their fundraising relationships. If you’re interested in a better way than excel to manage your relationships and to keep track of priority contacts across a variety of funds, OpenRound might be worth a try.

help with telling a great startup story

  • Nicky Dibben at Invention Marketing: Helping entrepreneurs turn their best ideas into great businesses through marketing structure and creativity combined. "B2B technology marketing with zero fluff: translating technology to human, aligning sales and marketing, and building your business".

digital product and idea validation

  • James Lucas at Lunos: Support startups, existing businesses and product teams looking to validate and de-risk new digital product ideas, identify customer problems and needs and rapidly test assumptions. Their aim is to help create something more likely to succeed, with paying customers and a platform to grow from.

video production to support fundraising

  • Mark Galluzzo at Mabinogi: Experts in video creation to support startup fundraising and crowdfunding. Helped raise £25m since 2017.

fractional and interim cto support

  • Matthew Reynolds at FractionalMatt: Helps non-technology people build technology businesses. He solves the problem of building and scaling a tech startup when the founder knows the commercial side, but needs someone to handle the technology side.

software, mvp and app development

  • John Radford at Loginet: John is a veteran digital product guy and has created software projects for startups and scale ups that have collectively raised over $30million in capital including 2 exits. John and the team at Loginet are serious end to end software developers who deliver quality solutions that scale with you. No need to rebuild once you scale. End to end digital platforms, mobile apps, AI and digital transformation services. Drop them a line for a consultation and to put together a quote.

  • Jay Williams at CodeBeam: The most professional, friendly and well-priced UK-based software development agency I've discovered in years. I've seen their work - they're good! They can help build your complete platform or apps, or assist with individual components. If your investment ask is on the high side because of current development cost projections, or the quality of work or communication from existing outsourced developers is a concern, then Jay and his team will be happy to offer an alternative quote that I am certain will come as a pleasant surprise. Get an alternative quote:

paid adverts, seo and other digital marketing support

  • Ramial Aqeel at RankMarketing: Google partner and digital marketer, skilled in Google Ads, PPC and SEO, and passionate about leveraging digital marketing to fuel business growth.

Steve Procter • Building and running startups for 28 years

A lifetime in tech ... 7 years education 10 in industry 28 envisioning, building & running startups

I've been in tech for more than 40 years, creating business startups since 1996 and also advising other founders.As a seasoned entrepreneur and technology architect, I spot opportunities and create visions for something better. As a startup CEO and CTO, I've created some big firsts and achieved success twice. I've gone from zero to multi-million pound turnovers, and from nothing to 100,000 business clients, 30+ staff and 1 million daily transactions.

Through l2o Ventures, I now offer my experience to help other startup founders and investors achieve success

(scroll down for what's coming next...)

40+ years since I first touched a computer ... I get tech I get business I get startups

Before the internet...

  • 1968 BC (Before Computers): Born into an analogue world

  • 1982-1986: Discovered computers! Everything from a Vic 20 and BBC micro to an ICL 2900 mainframe

  • 1986-1989: Computation degree, UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science & Technology)

  • 1989-1999: IT consultant & project manager:Logica, IBM, Reuters, Bankers Trust and Deutsche Bank

  • 1994-1997: started first side hustle as a scuba diving instructor with own dive school in London

Welcome to the web...

  • 1996: published my first website and first ever disk-mounted website on the cover of a UK magazine

  • 1999: developer and project manager at two very early digital agencies in London

The dot-com boom days...

  • 1999: vision, architect & investor. created first UK under-a-tenner domain name business, Easily

  • 1999: built and launched early/successful dot-com, a domain, email and web hosting ISP

  • 1999-2001: ceo. managed growth from zero to 100,000 business clients and 30+ staff

  • 2000: invented the web-based DNS dashboard for domains

  • 2000: devised early no-code solution for one-page websites, £100k ARR from a single £300 server

  • 2001: ran one of the first successful web affiliate schemes, generating 40% of our revenue

  • 2004: negotiated a successful multi-million pound dot-com exit and sale of Easily

And then there was mobile...

  • 2002: vision & investor. launched one of the first-ever B2B mobile text marketing services at SMS Expert

  • 2007: an early digital nomad, running a B2B Saas startup from a beach and the desert

  • 2007-2019: ceo. successfully ran leading text marketing B2B Saas from zero to multi-million turnover

  • 2007-2019: cto & architect. developed 850k lines of code & supported 1mil daily transactions & API calls

Ongoing venture studio projects... online security, video, proximity and contactless...

vision, architect, investor & cto...Clickacall, "instant video calls from anywhere with a single click"Nearevo, "proximity discovery for the internet of things"Scan + Click, "contactless business cards"Secly, "personal online security"

Supporting other founders...

  • 2020... consultancy, helping hand-picked founders find the right investors, at

What's coming next?

RE-IMAGINING: Supporting founders & investors with the right matchmaking, at scale...

  • 2024... sole founder, cto, ceo, vision, investor & architect for Venture Cards (launching late 2024)

CHANGING THE DYNAMIC: THE social platform & community for entrepreneurs...

  • 2020-2024: daily Linkedin posts to support founders, growing my presence to 25,000 followers

  • Oct 2024: with a final 555,000 impressions in a single post, retired from Linkedin to build something better

  • 2025... vision & architect for openEC (launching in 2025)

A NEW WAY TO LAUNCH: Helping more startups get into orbit...

  • 2025... vision & architect for the l2o Venture Studio (launching in 2025)

Testimonials Feedback

Don't just take my word for it

A common difference between good and bad startups is the people. Ideas are easy, but people add the magic.Whether as clients, colleagues, co-founders or investors, I've worked with people that helped make a big difference. Between us, we've seen ideas come and go. Some good and some bad. Some brilliant but too early, and some good but too late. And occasionally, ideas that stood out and had a chance,... because of the people.

Ideas are great, but people matter

Harvey Cuthbert, Saas Startup Founder

"Steve has been an invaluable mentor during our businesses journey. He always thinks ahead and outside of the box. A very supportive and highly experienced mentor that is a great asset for anyone looking to grow"

Adam Evans, Sales Director

"Steve is one of those people who can analyse new requirements and visualise smart new digital ways of doing things way before most others. But not just tech for tech's sake. His solutions are well thought out to benefit all parts of a business, from the customer offering to all operational processes. He knows how to communicate all this new tech to non-techies too!"

Martin P., Founder, ALXI

"I've worked with Steve a number of times over 12 years. He's always extremely diligent, looking to provide the most streamlined technical solution possible, with support that goes above and beyond. He's constantly looking outside the box, thinking about things from all angles and ready to offer clear-headed business analysis & reporting whenever needed"

Mark Birch, Software Developer

"Steve is probably the most tenacious, diligent, hardworking and knowledgeable person I've ever met. He always sees things through to their conclusion, and will make sure that even the smallest details are considered and catered for. Steve excels at managing others and keeps a high-level perspective"

Greg Sellam, Sales Director

"I worked with Steve on the migration of SMS Expert to Qadex. Steve was calm, clear, positive and thorough during the very busy period of documenting the system and training the new Directors, Helpdesk, Business Analysts and Offshore technical teams. Steve has the skills and experience to engage with stakeholders at every level"

Tony Peters, Digital Consultant

"Steve is a dedicated entrepreneur with the drive and ambition to move forward and stay ahead of the pack. I enjoyed working with Steve both when his role was project manager and when he was CEO. His attitude is excellent and if the opportunity arose, I would definitely consider working with him again"

Luke Antins, Software Consultant

"Steve has always been a pleasure to work with. Always on the ball, quick to respond and a very nice chap to discuss solutions with over the phone"

Alex Shepherd, Support Specialist

"Working with Steve in the early days of and automated domain registration, I found him to be an innovator who likes to keep things simple. It seems to me that a lot of technology companies learnt from him"

Kevin Parker, Long-term Client

"Superb service from Steve. He built an easy online portal and had a real 'can do' approach to help develop our business. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Steve and he works in a pro-active manner"

Nathan Hudson, Transformation Specialist

"I worked with Steve for over 5 years. Highly diligent with a no nonsense attitude, whilst being highly personable, Steve is a pleasure to work with"

Investor Terms

I accept the following agreement and fully accept all of the risk warnings given throughout...This agreement is between Steve Procter and l2o (herein known as the 'Provider') and myself as an individual or sole trader or a registered company that I represent (herein known as the 'Client' and referred to throughout this agreement as 'I') using any services (herein known as the 'Services') offered by Steve Procter or l2o, including but not limited to showing, matching and introducing companies (including the company founders, Directors or other representatives, and herein known as the 'Startups') to the Clients and the provision of a community-based communication platform to the Clients (such as but not limited to WhatsApp groups, Slack and, and herein known as the 'Platform'). The Provider may provide information or other data via a website as part of any Services or Platform or outside of these (including but not limited to and and all sub-domains of these domains, and herein known as the 'Website'). The Provider may provide information or other data via personalised or generic one-on-one emails, group emails, email newsletters or other types of emails or newsletters as part of any Services or Platform or outside of these (herein known as the 'Newsletter').The Provider may optionally allow individual Clients, subject to prior agreement having been made by email or letter and subject to terms within this agreement, to post, announce, discuss and promote their own services, products, businesses or companies (and herein known as the 'External Services and Products') that are likely to be of interest to other Clients or to Startups.This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.A1.1 Acceptable ClientsAs an investor, to be eligible to use and have access to any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites offered by the Provider, I confirm that I have viewed the investor self-certification shown on this web page or in the same document as this agreement, and agree with the declarations shown within it that I am an investor as defined by at least one of the options shown.The Provider reserves the right to carry out appropriate due diligence and verify my status and that of any business or company that I represent and may refuse or terminate this agreement at any time, subject to additional terms given elsewhere in this agreement relating to terminatation of the agreement and access to the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.2 Communication, Circumvention, Confidentiality and Other TermsIf I wish to communicate in any way with a Startup discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, then I will ask the Provider to make an introduction. I will not attempt to make direct contact with a Startup discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites until an introduction has been made by the Provider. I will not attempt in any way to circumvent an introduction.Unless a prior agreement has been made, by email or letter, with the Provider, I confirm that my use of the Services, Platforms, Newsletters and Websites will be for the primary purposes of seeking startups and founders that I may wish to engage with outside of the Services, Platforms, Newsletters and Websites and invest in outside of the Services, Platforms, Newsletters and Websites, following my own independent due diligence and research into the companies and founders that I will carry out outside of the Services, Platforms, Newsletters and Websites.So long as a prior agreement has been made, by email or letter, with the Provider, and is within UK law and all regulations related to financial investments and the promotion of financial investments (where applicable), I may post about, announce, discuss and promote External Services and Products. The Provider may remove or block such posts, announcement, discussions and promotions at any time if they feel they do not fit with the tone, image, messaging or general investment thesis and criteria of the Platform, or are done repeatedly or in a way that is annoying or offers little value to other Platform users, or that might conflict with the Provider, other Clients, or Startups on the Platform. I take full responsibility for the legality, accuracy and content of posts, announcements, discussions and promotions relating to External Services and Products and accept that the Provider will have no responsibility for such posts, announcements, discussions and promotions.Unless a prior agreement has been made with the Provider, by email or letter, I confirm that I will not reveal, forward or circulate details of a Startup discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites to any other person or company apart from those acting as my professional legal, financial or tax advisers and that all information, conversations and other details provided by the Provider, Clients and Startups through the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites are strictly confidential.If I invest in a Startup discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, whether directly in the company or via a syndicate or crowd sharing or another type of platform, I must give notice to the Provider within 30 calendar days of such investment and give full and complete details of the amount invested and the method, syndicate name and platform used.I may stop using the Services, Platforms, Newsletters and Websites at any time and the Provider may at any time restrict or block my access to any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites or terminate this agreement for any reason, and in any of these cases, I accept and acknowledge that I will still be bound by fee, communication, circumvention, confidentiality and other related terms in this agreement relating to information, investments or relationships with other parties that came about through my use of the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.3 FeesI will not be charged or expected to pay any fixed fees or success fees to the Provider for any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites provided directly by the Provider.If I invest directly or via a syndicate in any Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, I may incur fees or costs from other parties outside of the control of the Provider and the Provider will have no responsibility for paying or negotiating these fees or costs.I acknowledge that the Provider has an agreement with all Startups to pay the Provider fixed fees and/or success fees for all investments in the said Startup that are as a result of having been discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4 Provider LimitationsI acknowledge and accept all the following statements in this clause...A1.4(a) The Provider shall have no authority to enter into any commitments, to negotiate any financial terms, to hold any funds, to incur debts, or to have obligations of any kind whatsoever for or on behalf of myself or Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4(b) The Provider will not engage in any negotiations whatsoever between myself and Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4(c) The Provider will have no responsibility for nor will the Provider make recommendations concerning the terms, conditions or provisions of any agreement between myself and Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, including the manner or means of consummating any transactions.A1.4(d) The Provider will have no involvement in arranging any investments between myself and Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4(e) The Provider will attempt to seek other investors for introduction to Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites from a large and diverse investor pool.A1.4(f) Any written or verbal introductions, feedback, comments or other expressed thoughts given by the Provider are his own opinions and should not be relied on in any decision-making process without further due diligence and fact-checking carried out by myself.A1.4(g) The Provider will not be held responsible for any written or verbal introductions, feedback, comments or other expressed thoughts that they give.A1.4(h) The Provider may do so but is not required to invest in any way in any Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4(i) The Provider will not attempt or have any influence on any investment decisions between myself and Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.4(j) The Provider is not responsible for carrying out due diligence in Startups discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites. I am solely responsible for carrying out all necessary due diligence on Startups that I invest in which have been discovered, shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites.A1.5 Risk warningsTo be eligible to use and have access to any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites offered by the Provider, I acknowledge and accept all the following statements in this clause...A1.5(a) Any investments to which promotions displayed via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites will relate, may expose me to a significant risk of losing all of the money or other property invested. I am aware that it is open to me to seek advice from an authorised person who specialises in advising on non-readily realisable securities.A1.5(b) Investing involves risks, including loss of capital, illiquidity, lack of dividends and dilution, and should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. I agree to consult my professional legal, financial and tax advisers before investing. Investments should only be made by investors who understand these risks.A1.5(c) No communications, whether spoken or through any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, should be construed as an investment recommendation. Further, no communications, whether spoken or through any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, shall be considered an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security to any person in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer, solicitation or sale is unlawful.A1.5(d) The Provider does not provide legal, financial or tax advice of any kind. If I have any questions concerning legal, financial or tax matters relevant to my use of any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, or related to interactions with the Provider or any party that I connect with or am introduced to via the Provider, Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites, I should consult a professional adviser. If I have discovered, or been shown, matched or introduced via the Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites to a Startup, I accept I will seek all necessary legal, financial and tax advice from my professional advisers concerning any communications, interactions or transactions we carry out together.A1.5(e) All material and information used for potential investment purposes, whether spoken or through any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites should be used by investment professionals only (such as self-certified sophisticated investors or high net-worth individuals) or persons to whom it would otherwise be lawful to distribute it. Accordingly, persons who do not have professional experience in matters relating to investments should not use or rely on this material and information for any kind of investment purposes.

A1.6 Additional Risk WarningsTo be eligible to use and have access to any Services, Platforms, Newsletters or Websites offered by the Provider, I acknowledge and accept all the following statements in this clause, which, for the purposes of clarity, are a copy of the main disclaimer and capital at risk warning displayed at the bottom of Websites managed by the Provider as part of the Services...DISCLAIMER: Any information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o that refers to companies and their founders and investment opportunities is intended for professional or self-certified sophisticated or high net-worth investors and is for information purposes only, to help you decide whether you would like an introduction by Steve Procter or l2o to the companies and their founders. It should not be used or considered as an offer or solicitation to purchase, sell or trade any securities or equity. Any discussions, negotiations or business and investment activities that take place between you and the companies or their founders discovered on this website or through Steve Procter or l2o are solely between you and the companies and their founders, and Steve Procter and l2o will have no responsibility or involvement in such discussions, negotiations or business and investment activities.CAPITAL AT RISK: Only invest if you can afford to lose all of your investment. Steve Procter and l2o are unregulated by the FCA. Use of the information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o is limited to those who are professional investors or "High Net Worth Individuals" or "Self-Certified Sophisticated Investors" as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Financial Services and Markets Act (2000) "FSMA". High Net Worth Individuals or Self-Certified Sophisticated Investors are exempt from COBS 4.12 Restrictions on the promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments as defined in COBS 4.12.6 and COBS 4.12.8. Investment in early-stage companies is risky and risks include illiquidity, lack of dividends, future dilution and potential loss of capital. You should not construe any information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o as investment, tax, legal, financial, professional, consulting or other advice, or an offer, invitation or inducement to purchase or acquire an interest in any of the companies presented. Reliance on any information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o for the purpose of engaging in any investment activity may expose you to a significant risk of losing all of the money, property or other assets invested or of incurring additional liability. Investment in early-stage companies should only be done as part of a diversified portfolio and with the help of your financial and legal advisors. You should carry out your own in-depth due-diligence on any companies before considering or making any investments. The information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o is provided with the understanding that Steve Procter and l2o, their affiliates and any third-party service providers shall have no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o. In exchange for reading the information or other content on this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o, you agree not to hold Steve Procter, l2o, their affiliates or any third-party service providers liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on information or other content made available to you through this website or provided through Steve Procter or l2o.

Cookie and Privacy Policy

Welcome to the privacy policy, cookie policy and marketing & communications policy for Steve Procter, a sole trader, also trading under the names, l2o, Early Venture Report and Interim Cofounder.Where this document refers to "we" or "our", these are inter-changeable with "I" and "my". This document is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. When you share information with us, we believe that by using it we can make our services even better for you. For example, we can use it to help us identify the most relevant of our services that you may require, both now and in the future, or to help us develop new services for the future that we believe would be useful to you. As you use our services, we want it to be clear to you how we're using information and the ways in which we look to protect your privacy.Steve Procter is committed to protecting the privacy of all its app and website users and business clients. Steve Procter provides business and consultancy related services and products to individuals and other businesses. In all cases we will attempt to be fair in how we hold, manage and process personal data, whether it is for an individual in their own capacity or as a sole-trader, or a person who is visiting or using our service on behalf of a business. We will refer throughout our policy and other documents and promotions to clients and members, and these terms are inter-changeable.Use of our apps, websites as well as the services and products provided through our sites indicates your consent to the collection and use of information as described in this policy as well as your consent for us to communicate with you as described in this policy. Any changes to the policy will be posted on our website.What information is collected and how is it used?We ask you to supply certain information when you enquire with us as a sales-lead about our services, or when you sign up or register with us as a client or for a free or trial service. This information may include but is not limited to your name, the name of your business, your postal address, email address, landline telephone and mobile numbers, website address, how you heard of us and other business, founder and financial data. We may also make notes in our CRM (customer relationship management system) about your requirements and service needs. This information will be used in the management of our own business and to enable us to contact you about the service you have enquired about, requested or signed up for, and to contact you about similar services that we believe may interest you now or in the future. We may also combine details of more than one sales-lead or client when performing analysis to identify trends, common requirements and other information so that we can continually improve our services and existing and future offerings.We may also combine details of more than one sales-lead, client or Steve Procter profile to create consolidated data, aggregated data and statistics which we may use both internally and externally in public communications with the public, businesses and other organisations. Such consolidated data, aggregated data and statistics will only be made available in such a way that it cannot identify any individuals, businesses or clients unless specific agreement is given by such individuals, businesses or clients.You can find further details below about the methods by which we may contact you and how you can change these contact methods or opt-out from future contact altogether. In addition, when you use our website we store your IP address and may use this information to administer our website and help to diagnose any network or server problems. We may also use it as part of our security if we believe we have identified a credible threat to our systems or our business, or an act of fraud, money laundering or other illegal behaviour or acts that are against current regulations and laws.Sub-Processors and Divulging your data to other partiesSteve Procter will not, without your consent, divulge, sell, lease, rent or provide in any other way personal information about you to a third party, except in the following circumstances...1. If required to do so by law or by any organisation with appropriate authority including but not limited to any formally recognised regulatory body who wish to investigate an alleged breaking or possible breaking of any relevant regulations, codes of practice, legislation, applicable laws or other rules and regulations as laid down from time to time by the police or other regulatory authorities.2. If you have signed up for optional services which require us to pass your personal information to another company. From time to time Steve Procter may offer additional services to our clients or sales-leads that we believe to be relevant or similar to those that you currently use or have enquired about. In some cases these services may require us to pass personal data held by us to a third party. Any such service will be optional and the opt-in process will clearly show that personal data will be shared with another company. Before passing your personal data and other information to a third party we will seek your approval.3. To any financial institution or other payment processing organisation with whom we work for the purpose of processing payments and direct debits from you, verifying credit status and/or validating financial transactions. In the case of a business we would only seek to do these things from the business entity that we are contracting to, rather than you personally. Note that Steve Procter does not gather or hold any credit or debit card information or any bank account details for our clients; this is all managed by the organisation that we currently work with for these purposes, including Revolut Bank and Stripe.4. We may disclose data as part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets.5. We may share data with service companies, agents or contractors working for Steve Procter and on our behalf. Such service companies may need access to or be able to view personal data in order to provide those functions and in such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements and will only be given access to data that is strictly required for them to carry out their tasks.6. We may share data with affiliates, sponsors or other similar business partners. This will be limited to the data of clients who signup having followed an affiliate link or used an affiliate coupon code and will only be shared with the specific affiliate partner that referred the client. The affiliate partner agrees to be bound by these terms and by all data protection and related regulations and will only use the data internally for assisting in the management of Steve Procter service or other services that the affiliate partner offers via their own business.7. Our main client services are to make introductions and connect our investor clients with our business owner, Director and founder clients. As such, by submitting your data to us, you accept this may be seen by other clients and they may contact you and we have no control nor accept any liability over such other clients and how they may use your data.Policy on data carried by us as a Platform ProviderClients contract with Steve Procter to provide services. These services may require us to process additional data on their behalf...1. We may provide a web-based platform and mobile apps to help you manage your services and data. Steve Procter respects the privacy of this data2. Steve Procter may offer a consultancy service. In such a case we may give advice about how services may aid your business and the optimum ways to use such services, but we always do so with the strict proviso that the advice does not constitute legal or financial advice and that you are free to seek alternative advice and any actions you take in relation to advice we have given are based on your own final decisionsOur Servers and location of your dataAll your information is stored on and our services run on secure servers either in the EU or managed by sub-processors that fully comply with GDPR requirements. Our services, client dashboards and API's all use relevant up to date secure tehnology throughout which is constantly reviewed and maintained.Advertising and links to other websitesOur websites may contain advertising and links to other websites. However no personal information is passed to other websites if you follow one of these links. Steve Procter is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of linked websites and we would encourage you to read the privacy statements of other websites, since their privacy policy may differ from ours.Right to view, change or delete your dataYou have the right to view, change and delete the information that we store about you. If you wish to do so then please email us at the address shown on our website.Cookie PolicySome cookies are used on our websites which are essential to allow us to manage and secure your account and logins to the Steve Procter service and without these cookies it will be extremely difficult for us to easily or safely manage the service. We may also use some non-essential cookies to anonymously track visitors or enhance your experience of the website. We do not divulge any cookie details or information gained from our use of any cookies to third parties, unless the cookies have been placed by companies that we use to help us manage services within our website (see above). If you're not happy with our cookie policy then please contact us in order to discuss your requirements. To control or disable cookies from us and third parties you can also adjust your browser settings but please note that this may cause our service and website to not function correctly.Communication and Marketing PolicyThere are 2 primary reasons that we may communicate with you...1. We would like from time to time to contact people and businesses with a view to using our current or future business-related services or products and to do so by methods such as phone, video, email, SMS text message, Twitter or Linkedin messaging. We would only do this with those who have become our clients, those who have shown an interest in our business, services or products, or with those who have communicated or connected with one of our Directors, staff, contractors or agents via a conference, exhibition, networking, phone, email, sms, or a recognised social media platform such as Linkedin or Twitter. We would like to communicate with such people if we feel we have a relevant service that may be of interest to you or your business, either now or in the future. We would like to also do this in future if we have a new service or product that is similar to one you currently use, have enquired about or used with us in the past. When we first communicate with you we will attempt to find out from you if you wish to receive future communications from us.2. If you or your business are signed up and contracted to use our services or products then we would like the ability to email, sms, video call or call you with mandatory service communications that are designed to update you about the status of the services or products or that services will soon expire or have expired. These communications are designed to inform you about the service you or your business have contracted for. We hope that you will agree to accept such communications to allow us to run your services or products smoothly. However please contact us if you have any concerns about the communications we have with you.We fully recognise that you have the right to not receive communications or to stop receiving further communications at any time from us and so you may email us at the address shown on our website to request that we no longer contact you. You can also reply to any email that we send you or click the relevant 'unsubscribe' link or similar options that will be presented in marketing and newsletter emails.To clarify, please contact us if you have any requests or queries regarding our communications and marketing. We will be happy to remove your account and data (or sales-lead data if you have not yet signed up to be a client) or modify the settings we hold so that we may only contact you by sms, email, video and/or phone call. You have the right to request we use any, all or none of these communication methods.Contact InformationYou may contact Steve Procter at any time to discuss our services and privacy, cookie and marketing & communications policies by emailing us at the email address shown on the l2o website at


This Agreement includes any invoice documents provided by the Provider to the Client. The parties to this agreement are:1. Steve Procter, also trading under the names, l2o, Early Venture Report and Interim Cofounder, trading as a sole trader (herein known as the Provider or the Community Host); and2. the "client" party named in their signup data or on any invoices (herein known as the Client or the Member)AgreementMeanings1. In this Agreement, the following words are defined:Agreement: this agreement, all associated invoice documents and any changes that the parties agree in writing;Client Personal Data: any Personal Data that is processed by the Provider on behalf of the Client in relation to this Agreement, but excluding data with respect to which the Provider is a Controller;Commencement Date: the date shown on the first invoice or at the time of signup;Controller: has the meaning given in applicable Data Protection Laws from time to time;Provider Work: any Work developed, created, written, prepared, devised or discovered by the Provider (or by any substitute permitted under this Agreement) in the course of providing the Services;Data Protection Laws: all applicable laws relating to the processing of Personal Data, including, for the period during which it is in force, the UK General Data Protection Regulation;Data Subjects: has the meaning given in applicable Data Protection Laws from time to time;Employee: an individual employed by the Client or Provider under a contract of employment;Intellectual Property: all existing or future intellectual and industrial property rights, anywhere in the world, in the Provider Work, including any invention, patent, utility model right, copyright and related right, trade mark, trade name, internet domain name, design right, design, service marks, database right, typography right, right in get-up, right in goodwill or to sue for passing off and any other right of a similar nature whether registered (or capable of registration) and the right to apply for any of these;Personal Data: has the meaning given in applicable Data Protection Laws from time to time;Services: the services shown on the invoices or at the time of signup. The Provider will carry out the Services online and is not expected to carry out any physical visits with the client or carry out any Services other than online from the Providers own or chosen premises. The Provider will report to the named contact shown on the invoices or in the signup data;Supervisory Authority: has the meaning given in applicable Data Protection Laws from time to time;Term: the term of this Agreement;Website: refers to the websites operated by The Provider, including but not limited to and also refers to any other communication medium that is managed or controlled by the Provider, including but not limited to emails that are sent by the Provider;Work: all forms of work, including works of authorship, products, documents, materials, discoveries, inventions, programs (including software programs and source code), databases, know-how, methodologies, ideas and designs;2. In this Agreement, unless the context requires a different interpretation:a. words denoting any gender include all genders;b. the singular includes the plural and vice versa;c. references to sub-clauses, clauses, schedules, addendums or appendices are to sub-clauses, clauses, schedules, addendums or appendices of this Agreement;d. a reference to a person includes firms, companies, government entities, trusts and partnerships;e. "including" is understood to mean "including without limitation";f. reference to any statutory provision includes any modification or amendment of it; andg. the headings and sub-headings do not form part of this Agreement.Services3. From the Commencement Date, the Provider will perform the Services as requested by the Client. The Client is not obliged to provide work for the Provider, nor is the Provider obliged to accept work if offered. All work provided by the Provider for the Client is carried out on the clear understanding by the Client that the Provider is not a financial advisor or lawyer, and that all financial or legal decisions should be taken by the Client together with their lawyer or regulated financial advisor.4. The Provider must:a. spend the time agreed in the invoices or at the time of signup to perform the Services properly unless prevented by illness or injury (which they must notify to the Client as soon as reasonably practicable) and no fee shall be payable during any time period when the Services are not being provided to the Client;b. perform the Services using reasonable care and skill and to the best of their abilities;c. cooperate with the Client;d. keep the Client properly informed of progress on all projects and give them written information when asked to;e. comply with all applicable laws, regulations, codes and sanctions relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, including the Bribery Act 2010. They must have their own systems in place to ensure compliance and where requested by the Client certify to it on an annual basis that they continue to comply. The Provider must ensure they report any matter relating to bribery or corruption to the Client immediately, if they become aware of or suspect such activity, whilst providing the Services for the Client. Failure to comply with this paragraph entitles the Client to terminate this agreement immediately; andf. comply with the policies, procedures and rules that the Client reasonably requests. This always includes the Client's health and safety policies and procedures and if they become aware of any whilst providing the Services for the Client, the Provider must always report any unsafe working conditions to the Client immediately.5. Investor introductions and provision of investor names and details are not provided by the Provider as part of the Services under this Agreement. The Services under this Agreement do not guarantee that the Provider will engage with the Client at any time now or in the future to offer other services entailing investor introductions or the provision of investor names and details. The Services under this Agreement will help the Client "as best as possible" to become ready for investment, and are not guaranteed to make the Client ready for investment.6. The Provider will provide advisory support (herein referred to as the "Advisory Services") to the Client during the term of this agreement. This is advisory only and not a consultancy service, and aims to help guide the Client to be better prepared for finding investment. The Advisory Services are subject to a fair usage policy, to ensure they are used in a manner that does not excessively consume Provider time or resources, or interfere with fair access to any services for other clients of the Provider.Status, equipment and resources7. The Provider is an independent contractor, in business on their own account. The parties agree that this Agreement and providing the Services do not make the Provider an Employee, worker, partner, member or agent of the Client and the Provider cannot hold themselves out as being any of these. The Provider does not have (and must not hold themselves out as having) any authority to incur any expense to the Client or to bind the Client in any other way.8. The Client does not directly control the Provider's actions. The Provider can provide the Services in the way they choose, except when this Agreement states otherwise.9. The Provider shall provide at their own cost, all necessary equipment and resources as is reasonable for the performance of the Services. The Provider is responsible for maintaining and ensuring the safety of such equipment and resources as necessary.10. If the Provider's equipment or resources are stored on the Client's property, the Client must not use them without the Provider's prior written consent and must contact the Provider before making any changes to where or how they are stored.11. The Provider may use third parties to provide administrative functions relating to the Services, but must bear the costs of this in full and any such third party must, if requested by the Client, enter into direct promises with the Client, including relating to confidentiality.12. The Services shall be provided at such locations and during such hours as the Provider chooses and deems appropriate for the satisfactory performance of the Services. Unless agreed prior to the start of the agreement, all communications between the Provider and Client will be over email, Zoom video calls or WhatsApp chat, calls or video calls. All calls and video calls must be pre-scheduled using the online calendar scheduling service provided by the Provider to the Client at the start or throughout the agreement.Fees and Expenses13. The Client must pay the Provider the fees as agreed in the invoices or at the time of signup (plus Value Added Tax if applicable) for providing the Services. The Client will not pay the Provider for any period when the Services are not provided, for any reason.14. The Provider may send an invoice to the Client for all work and may do so by email or WhatsApp messaging. Invoices will detail whether fees are due prior to work or after the work and also confirm the payment methods which may include bank transfer or a direct debit for UK clients (or ACH for American clients or SEPA for EU clients). If the agreed payment method is bank transfer, the Client must pay the Provider within 1 business day of receiving an invoice from the Provider, or the due date, whichever is earliest. If the agreed payment method is direct debit, ACH or SEPA, the Client must sign and agree to the mandate as soon as received, ensure sufficient funds are available for all future payments and allow the Provider to make all future payment requests, as agreed on the invoice, up to 5 business days prior to the due date. This early payment request date is required to allow for the bank processing period, ensuring the funds are cleared by or on the due date.15. The Provider reserves the right to claim interest, compensation and reasonable costs under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and it is agreed that the term implied by that Act shall apply after any judgment as well as before. Any reference to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 is also a reference to any amendment, modification or re-enactment of it. If for any reason the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 does not apply, interest shall be payable on overdue amounts at 8% over the Bank of England Base Rate from time to time.16. The Provider is responsible for all expenses incurred by them while performing the Services except if the parties agree differently in writing in advance of any specific expenses being incurred.17. If either party ends this Agreement early, the Provider will only be paid for Services satisfactorily provided by the last day of the Term. The Client shall be entitled to deduct from the fees (and any other sums) due to the Provider any sums that the Provider may owe to the Client at any time.Termination18. This Agreement begins on the Commencement Date or at the time of signup and ends when either party gives at least 1 month's advance written notice that they wish to terminate it or when one of the grounds for immediate termination set out in this clause applies. This Agreement will automatically end if the work, as defined in the invoices or at the time of signup, is fixed-term or a fixed project and has been completed.19. The Client can terminate the Agreement in writing immediately without notice or payment of any compensation (without prejudice to other rights in law to terminate this agreement) if the Provider:a. is guilty of any misconduct;b. commits any fundamental or repeated breach of this Agreement or the Provider fails to comply with the Client's policies or any reasonable and lawful directions of the Client or is negligent or incompetent in performing the Services;c. commits a criminal offence or acts in any way dishonestly, whether or not while providing the Services, which damages or is likely to damage their or the Client's reputation;d. is unable to provide the Services for ten days in any one month consecutive period; ore. becomes bankrupt, applies for or is the subject of a receiving order or makes any composition or enters any deed of arrangement with their creditors or has a county court administration order made against them under the County Court Act 1984.20. The Provider can terminate this Agreement immediately without notice or payment of any compensation if the Client:a. commits any fundamental or repeated breach this Agreement;b. commits a criminal offence or acts in any way dishonestly, whether or not while the Provider is providing the Services, which damages or is likely to damage the Provider's or the Client's reputation;c. is a company and is dissolved or stops conducting substantially all of its business or cannot pay its debts as they fall due or a receiver is appointed over any of its property or assets or it is subject to an administration order (within the meaning of the Insolvency Act 1986) or goes into liquidation; ord. is a natural person and is bankrupt, applies for or is the subject of a receiving order or makes any composition or enters any deed of arrangement with their creditors or has a county court administration order made against them under the County Court Act 1984.Confidential information21. During the Term, the Provider may have access to confidential information about the Client and its business(es) which includes documents and information whether written, electronic or otherwise, which is any non-public information concerning the Client's:a. finances, operational model, business plans and sales and marketing information, plans and strategies, business transactions, research activities and dealings and affairs, trade secrets including technical data and know-how;b. customers, suppliers, licensors, licensees, agents, distributors, shareholders, management, contractors or other business contacts including, without limitation, lists of, identities of, contact details of and requirements of such persons, pricing or price structures, discounts, special prices or special contract terms offered to or by or agreed with such persons;c. Intellectual Property, existing and planned goods, product lines or services and their components and any underlying technology or proprietary materials;d. computer and communications systems, source codes and software;in each case whether past, current, future or prospective, whether the Provider creates, develops, receives or obtains the information, whether it is marked confidential or not. Confidential information does not include any information which is generally available to the public other than through the Provider's breach of this Agreement. Confidential information does not include any information which the Client requests that the Provider share with other specific or general parties.22. During and after the Term, the Provider must not use or disclose or allow the use or disclosure of any confidential information, except:a. as necessary to properly perform the Services; orb. with the Client's prior written consent or as required by law or ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.23. As soon as either this Agreement ends, however that happens or the Client requests it, the Provider must:a. return to the Client all materials, equipment, property and documents that they have or control that either belong to or relate to the Client or its business or clients;b. delete any such property and information from any electronic device which belongs to the Provider, including contact details of business contacts made during the course of this agreement, however stored and from personal, social or professional networking accounts.

24. The Client may have access to the confidential information of the Provider included in the first clause in this section on confidential information and the Client agrees not to use or disclose or allow the use or disclosure of any such confidential information without the Provider's prior written consent apart from if the second clause in this section on confidential information applies.25. This clause does not existData Protection26. Both parties shall comply with their obligations under the Data Protection Laws, so far as they relate to their obligations under this Agreement.27. The Client shall only supply to the Provider, and the Provider shall only process, in each case under or in relation to this Agreement, the Personal Data of Data Subjects falling within the categories and types specified in Part A of Schedule 1 (Data processing information) (the Client Personal Data) and the Provider shall only process the Client Personal Data for the purposes specified in Part A of Schedule 1 (Data processing information).28. The Provider shall only process the Client Personal Data during and for the Term of this Agreement.29. The Provider shall not transfer any personal data obtained from the Client outside of the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the prior written consent of the Client has been obtained.30. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Provider may process Personal Data if and to the extent that the Provider is required to do so by applicable law. In such a case, the Provider shall inform the Client of the legal requirement before processing, unless that law prohibits such information on grounds of public interest.31. The Provider shall ensure that persons authorised to process the Client Personal Data have committed themselves to confidentiality, or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality.32. The Provider shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for the Client Personal Data. The Provider shall provide the Client with details of all such technical and organisational measures on reasonable written notice from the Client.33. Where the Provider is acting as a Processor of Client Personal Data in connection with its delivery of Services under this Agreement the Provider may retain and use the services of third parties who from time to time may need to process Personal Data (each a Third Party Sub-Processor). As such, the Client hereby generally authorises each Third Party Sub-Processor engaged by the Provider at the time this Agreement is executed to be a sub-processor in relation to the Personal Data. The Provider will provide the Client with a list of all Third Party Sub-Processors on written request.34. The Provider will enter into an agreement with each Third Party Sub-Processor that obligates the Third Party Sub-Processor to process the Personal Data in a manner substantially similar to the standards set forth under this Agreement, and at a minimum, at the level of data protection required by Data Protection Laws (to the extent applicable to the services by the Third Party Sub-Processor under this Agreement).35. The Provider must give the Client at least 30 days' notice of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of any Third Party Sub-Processor. If the Client objects to any such changes before their implementation, then the parties shall discuss commercially reasonable alternative solutions in good faith.36. The Provider shall be liable for the acts and omissions of the Third Party Sub-Processor to the same extent the Provider would be liable if performing the services of each Third Party Sub-Processor directly under the terms of this Agreement.37. The Provider shall, insofar as possible and taking into account the nature of the processing:a. take appropriate technical and organisational measures to assist the Client with the fulfilment of the Client's obligation to respond to requests exercising a Data Subject's rights under the Data Protection Laws;b. assist the Client in ensuring compliance with the obligations relating to the security of processing of Personal Data, the notification of Personal Data breaches to the Supervisory Authority, the communication of Personal Data breaches to the Data Subject, Data Protection Impact Assessments (as such term is defined in the Data Protection Laws) and prior consultations in relation to high-risk processing under the Data Protection Laws;c. make available to the Client all information necessary to demonstrate the compliance of the Provider with its obligations under the Data Protection Laws;d. at the Client's discretion, delete or return all of the Client Personal Data to the Client upon termination or expiry of the Agreement, and shall delete existing copies save to the extent that applicable law requires storage of the relevant Personal Data; ande. allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections conducted by the Client or another auditor mandated by the Client in respect of the compliance of the Provider's processing of Client Personal Data with the Data Protection Laws.38. The Client may hold and process a wide variety of Personal Data about the Provider, including references, personal records, emails containing personal details, addresses and details of contractual benefits. Some of this data may come within the "special categories of personal data" (known as sensitive personal data) and includes but is not limited to information about:a. the Provider's racial or ethnic origin or religious or similar information, for equal opportunities monitoring;b. information about the physical or mental health of the Provider to monitor sickness absence; andc. any criminal proceedings involving the Provider, for insurance purposes and to comply with legal requirements and third party obligations.39. The Client will only process sensitive personal data if:a. it has a lawful basis for doing so; andb. one of the special conditions for processing sensitive personal data applies, eg the Provider has given their explicit consent.40. Before processing any sensitive personal data, the Client will take all steps necessary to ensure it can process such information lawfully.41. The Client will use appropriate technical and organisational measures to keep the Provider's data secure, and in particular, to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. More information on data security can be found in the Client's Information Security Policy.Warranties and indemnities42. The Provider represents and warrants that they do not have any obligation which would restrict or prohibit them from complying with this Agreement.43. Neither party will be liable for:a. any form of indirect, consequential or special loss;b. any loss or corruption of any data, database or software;c. any loss of business, contracts or commercial opportunities or any other form of pure economic loss, direct or indirect.44. Nothing in this Agreement:a. limits or excludes a party's liability for causing death or personal injury by their negligence;b. limits or excludes a party's liability for their fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; orc. limits or excludes a party's liability in any way not permitted under applicable law.45. The total liability of both the Client and Provider (however arising) under the Agreement will be £0.46. The Provider is solely responsible for paying tax and National Insurance Contributions on payments to them in respect of payments to them for the Services. The Provider must indemnify the Client and keep it fully and effectively indemnified in respect of any claims, demands, assessments, contributions or deductions made by the relevant authorities against the Client for income tax or National Insurance Contributions relating to the Services together with any interest and penalties, unless the claim or demand was caused by the Client's default or negligence. The Client may make deductions from payments due to the Provider to satisfy this indemnity.47. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by law are excluded from this Agreement unless stated in this Agreement, as far as permitted by law.Intellectual Property48. The Provider assigns to the Client absolutely as beneficial owner with full title guarantee the Intellectual Property for the full term of those rights and all renewals and extensions, together with all accrued rights. The Provider will promptly disclose and give to the Client all Intellectual Property for its exclusive use and benefit and keep their details confidential, delivering all documents relating to any part of the invention to the Client whenever requested by the Client. The Provider will not register or attempt to register any of the intellectual property rights in any work carried out during this Agreement, nor any inventions, unless at the Client's request. The Provider will do all acts necessary to confirm that absolute title in all intellectual property rights in the work carried out during this Agreement and any inventions has passed, or will pass, to the Client. The Provider will do everything necessary to give effect to this clause both during and after this Agreement. The Provider irrevocably waives their moral rights in any Intellectual Property anywhere in the world.49. The Provider agrees to indemnify the Client and keep it indemnified against all or any costs, claims, damages or expenses incurred by the Client, or for which the Client may become liable, with respect to any claim relating to intellectual property supplied by the Provider to the Client whilst providing the Services. The Provider shall ensure that the Client's interest is noted on a suitable insurance policy, and the Client may at its option satisfy such indemnity (in whole or in part) by way of deduction from any payments due to the Provider.50. The Provider appoints the Client to execute documents on its behalf and do all things necessary or desirable for the Client to obtain the full benefit of this clause.Circumstances beyond the control of the parties51. A party to this Agreement is not liable for failure or delay in performing its obligations if that failure or delay is caused by something beyond their reasonable control. In these circumstances, the affected party must notify the other party or parties as soon as reasonably practicable. The notified party or parties can suspend or terminate the Agreement immediately by notifying the other party.Entire Agreement52. This Agreement contains the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter and supersedes all prior discussions, warranties, representations, assurances, arrangements or agreements that might have taken place orally or in writing in relation to the Agreement. Nothing in this clause limits or excludes any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.General53. No party can assign, transfer or sub-contract their rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which cannot be unreasonably withheld.54. Only changes to this Agreement that are in writing and signed by the parties are valid or binding.55. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to this Agreement and no third party has the right to enforce or rely on any provision of this Agreement.56. This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed, is a duplicate original, but all the counterparts together form one agreement.57. No delay, act or omission by a party in exercising any right or remedy is a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy unless the parties agree differently.58. Provisions of this Agreement which are stated or intended to continue in force after this Agreement ends will do so.59. If any court or competent authority decides that any part of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that part will be deemed deleted so far as necessary without affecting the other parts of this Agreement, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.60. Any notice to be delivered under this Agreement must be in writing and delivered by pre-paid first class post or left by hand delivery at the registered address or place of business of the notified party, or sent by email to the other party's main business email address as notified to the sending Party.61. Notices:a. If any notice is sent by post within the United Kingdom, it is deemed to be received on the second working day after posting. Notices sent by post from or to addresses outside the United Kingdom are deemed to be received on the tenth working day after posting. Notices delivered by hand are deemed to be received at the time the notice is left at the proper address and notices sent by fax are deemed to be received on the next working day after transmission.b. The above clauses do not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action.Governing law and jurisdiction62. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.SCHEDULE 1PART A - DATA PROCESSING INFORMATIONProcessing of Client Personal Data by the Provider under this Schedule shall be for the subject-matter, duration, nature and purposes and involve the types of Client Personal Data, some of which may be sensitive personal data, and categories of Data Subjects set out in this Part A. 'Customer' shall mean any legal person to whom the Client has provided products or supplied services or proposed to provide products or supply services to.• Where the Customer is a natural person, 'Customer Personal Data' means personal data relating to that Customer.• Where the Customer is a non-natural person, 'Customer Personal Data' means personal data relating to that Customer's Employees and representatives.Subject-matter of processing:The Provider's provision of the Services and any related technical support to the Client.Duration of the processing:The Term plus the period from expiry of the Term until return/deletion of all Personal Data by the Provider in accordance with this Schedule.Nature and purpose of the processing:The Provider will process Client Personal Data for the purpose of providing the Services and any related technical support to the Client in accordance with this Schedule.Types of Personal Data:• Names, email addresses and telephone numbers of the Client and the Client’s Employees and representatives (as applicable).• Names, email addresses and telephone numbers of the Provider and the Provider's Employees and representatives (as applicable).• Customer Personal Data of the following categories: names, email addresses and telephone numbers.Categories of Data Subjects:Client Personal Data will concern the following categories of Data Subjects:• Data Subjects about whom the Provider collects Personal Data in its provision of the Services; and/or• Data Subjects about whom Client Personal Data is transferred to the Provider in connection with the Services by, at the direction of, or on behalf of the Client.

ADDENDUM 1 - L2O FOUNDER SUPPORT NETWORK AND COMMUNITYThe services offered as part of the l2o Founder Support Network and Community (herein known as the Community Platform) are shown and updated at together with further service details and modifiers shown below and within this Addendum. The Community Platform and all services are subject to change at any time, and Members will be notified of changes by email or by way of group-wide or individual Member messages in the Community Platform. The Community Platform is operated within a Slack workspace on the free or Pro pricing plans that is controlled and managed by the Community Host. All services as part of this Addendum are herein known as the Member Services.The following service modifiers are not included, and/or are offered with the shown amendments, and/or are provided "as is", and/or provided as voluntary, optional or complimentary services:• Investor details will not normally be provided by the Community Host to Members.• Introductions will not normally be made by the Community Host between Members and investors.• Any introductions made by the Community Host between Members and investors or provision of investor details by the Community Host to Members are offered by the Community Host as an optional and voluntary service on an "as is" basis, and with no guarantee that the investor details are correct or that the investor will respond to the Member or invest in their business.• All correspondence between the Community Host and Members as part of the Member Services must take place in the group-wide channels in the Community Platform.• All correspondence between the Community Host and Members relating to this contract or discussing the provision of the Member Services must take place privately in emails or private Direct Messages in the Community Platform.• There is no guaranteed lower or upper volume of members in the Community Platform, but it is expected that the volume will not be more than 100 at any given time. There is no fixed start or end date for membership by Members and so the overall membership will be on a rolling cohort basis not a fixed-term cohort.• The Member Services are not guaranteed to include any voice-based or video-based one-on-one or group webinars or other such voice-based or video-based communications.• The Member Services are primarily about providing group-wide support to the overall Community Platform Membership, and as such, are not guaranteed to include any one-on-one discussions between the Community Host and individual Members, and all such answers, responses or support offered by the Community Host will be addressed more generally to the overall Community Platform Membership.• There is no guaranteed lower or upper volume of guest experts in the Community Platform, but the Community Host will attempt within reason to maintain a reasonable number of experts at all times. There is no guarantee as to how long an individual guest expert will stay within the Community Platform or how much time they will offer to the group, but the Community Host will attempt within reason to ensure all experts provide a reasonable amount of time to the group. There is no guarantee as to which specific individuals will be willing to offer guest expert support in the Community Platform, but the Community Host will attempt within reason to invite potential guest experts that have been requested by Members.• Additional team Members that benefit from reduced fees must be part of the same company as the primary Member and have the same email domain name (which is not a shared or free domain name).• Everything that is said, written, heard or viewed by the Community Host, Members or Invited Guests within the Community Platform or as part of any Member Services is confidential and should not be divulged outside of the Community Platform or other Member Services or to anyone who is not currently a Member or Invited Guest. This includes but is not limited to sharing any details of investors or other contacts that have been gained within the Community Platform or as part of any Member Services.• Failure by a Member or Invited Guest to comply with any part of this agreement or Addendum entitles the Community Host to terminate this agreement immediately with the Member or Invited Guest without recourse to any refund of fees already paid. This will include terminating access to the Community Platform and all Member Services with immediate effect.

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Steve Procter

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Steve Procter
Supporting All fundraising startups Must be a UK company Pre-revenue, pre-seed and seed stages Raising any amount